Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have no clue why it's so busy today...

....but everyone who's calling the hotel seems to have a low IQ.

Another fabulous conversation:

Me: Thank you for calling *hotel*, this is Lori, how may I help you?

Lady: Hi, I was there a few weeks ago and right near the desk there was a painting on the wall, of the gate of the community decorated for Christmas. Is there an artist's name on that painting?

Me: *checks* The artist is *name* and it's dedicated to Lucille LaSouit.

Lady: Is that L-U-C-I-L-E?

Me: L-u-c-i-l-l-e

Lady: and the last name? How do you spell that?

Me: L-a-S-o-u-i-t

Lady: L-a-s-o-i-t

Me:..... L-a-s-0-u-i-t

Lady: Oh. Right. Now, someone said that that was a local artist?

Me: I'm not sure.

Lady: Who would know more information about the painting?

Me: The Friends of the Hotel ********* would.

Lady: Who's the friend of the hotel?

Me: The Friends of the Hotel **********... it's the group that decorates the hotel.

Lady: They decorate the arch?

Me: What?

Lady: They decorate the arch in the painting?

Me: No... they furnish and decorate the hotel.

Lady: But the painting isn't of the hotel!

Me: No, but the painting is IN the hotel. It's in the hotel because the Friends of the Hotel put it there.

...... then i took her information and will pass it along ot the Friends of the Hotel... but my GOD that was a tedious conversation.

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