Tuesday, June 30, 2009

As goes transportation, so goes the nation

Another important thing for you to know is that right down the block from the hotel that I work at, there is another hotel that is run by the same administration. That means that both hotels share staff, and that often my job entails dealing with reservations, questions, etc. for that hotel as well.

Anyway, yesterday a computer network guy came in because the wifi at the other hotel, which i shall henceforth refer to as "the inn", was down. The result of his visit? Now neither hotel has wifi, so I'm stuck with the super slow server on the desktop. booo hiss.

Already this morning I've had a really interesting conversation with one of the maintenance guys. I just found out that he grew up in the DC area, so we were talking about that. Of course, that lapsed into politics, and we both agree that a/the key to fixing the situation that America is currently in is improving the infrastructure of the nation... basically, i'm a Whig.

Just now, I was talking to one of the housekeepers.. she had a Thor's Hammer necklace that I asked her about. Turns out she's big on Norse mythology. I told her about my plan to study abroad in Denmark in the Spring (hopefully) and she was super excited about the program.

Last night was kind of epic. I live at a dorm with other employees of the Chautauqua community.. all college kids. Two of the other girls and I went to the local Walmart (I'm sorry, I know it's bad.. but this is the boondocks, I'd have to travel a half hour if I wanted to shop elsewhere). There was quite a bit of bickering, and it took about an hour and a half to purchase less than a cart full of items.

So... I suppose I'll fulfill my promise to talk (type?) about the previously mentioned teasers... let's see, we'll start with:
  • What are your rates?

This seems to be a simple enough question, and at most hotels it would be. But this isn't most hotels. Every room in this hotel is different, and pricing is based on seven categories of rooms. These categories are based on the size of the room, the amenities and antiques within the room, and the location of the room. In addition, there are different prices for weekends than for weeknights, as well as for different times of the year. Oh yeah, and conferences and groups often have special rates.

So, a typical inquiry about room rates usually goes something like this:

Guest: Hi, what are your rates?

Me: Well, did you have a specific date in mind, or just in general?

Guest: umm sometime in August?

Me:..... *thinks that guest needs to look up the word "specific" in the dictionary*... well, what sort of room would you be interested in?

Guest: Oh, just a nice room

Me: *thinks, "Oh, well I was going to give you one of the NOT nice rooms, but since you asked* Do you have a preference when it comes to the size of the bed?

Guest: Do you have any King sized beds?

Me: Yes, that would be $195/night on Friday or Saturday nights, and $165/Night Sunday through Thursday

Guest: Oh my. That's Expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?

Me: We do, but not with a king sized bed.

... and so it continues, with them griping about prices and asking whether they're in a "loud" section of the hotel and whether they're on the lakefront and yadda yadda yadda.

Thus, "What are your rates" has come to be one of my least favorite questions.

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